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Healthcare EDI with GenAI

Save Operations Cost using Gen AI

Migrate from Legacy Edifecs

All EDI transactions integrated with FHIR

Speed & HIPAA Security

Gen AI Plugins

Scale and Flexibility


Enable Gen AI for your Healthcare EDI

Enable GenAI and AI models for your existing EDI. Modernize your EDI to use the power of AI. Gen AI can help you answer operational questions, triage issues and data errors, colloboarate with your IT. Use Predictive AI models to identify data errors, EDI edit and catch errors and fraud before transactions reach your core applications. 


Implement Enterprise Healthcare EDI Platform - EDIVal 

EDIVal has built in support for Payers EDI transactions for Medicare, Medicaid, MediCal, State Plans, MarketPlace and Large group commercial plans. Replace or Upgrade your existing expensive or custom EDI platform to EdiVal.

We support all EDI Transactions - Claims, Enrollments, Prior Authorization, Eligibility, Payments, Attachments, Claims status. 


Enable AI driven EDI corrections, work queues and no code rules

Modernize your EDI to next generation AI auto data validation and data corrections. Manage various work queues with GenAI integration. Support multiple line of business or multiple states using our business rules templates and no code configuration 

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Healthcare EDI platform with Gen AI

HiPaaS EDI GenAI integrates with your existing EDI Platform - Custom or Edifecs

Simple Operations

Ask simple questions:

  • How many files loaded ?

  • How many members?

  • How many claims?

  • What are errors? and more.. 

Less Analysis Needed

Triage with simple questions:

  • What are top errors?

  • Triage error based on knowledge base

  • Ask questions about data issues?

  • Request to automatically create ticket

Insights in Data

Ask simple questions

  • How many adds, cancels, changes?

  • Give me data about member?

  • What is plan coverage ?

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HiPaaS AI Platform to Manage any Healthcare EDI

HiPaaS EDI is developed with AI and Interoperability at the center. We integrate with leading LLM Models 

  • LLM: Inbuilt or Enterprise

  • UI:  React/Nodejs

  • UI: Oauth, SSO, MFA

  • File Load: Python (EDI )(Custom Files)

  • X12 Validate (L1-L7): Python

  • Custom Validation: Any Rest API

  • Reconcile/AI/Rules: Python

  • Data Load/Track: Kafka

  • Database: Neo4j GraphDB

  • Connectors: Python

  • Deployment: Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes

  • Cluster: Kubernetes

  • Hosting: AWS, Azure, GCP, On Prem

Data Mapper

GenAI Capability

No Code Business Rules

Healthcare EDI platform for Healthcare Insurance Companies

EDIVal has built in support for Payers EDI transactions for Medicare, Medicaid, MediCal, State Plans, MarketPlace and Large group commercial plans. We support all EDI Transactions - Claims, Enrollments, Prior Authorization, Eligibility, Payments, Attachments, claims status



Related Products

HiPaaS FHIRFly is complete FHIR API Server that can speed up your interoperability projects and transform large amount of data to FHIR. Convert any Heatlhcare data like  CCDA, HL7, CSV, JSON, XML to FHIR with FHIRFLY. Handle Terabytes of patient data - 100M+ patients

  • Enable CMS Interoperability Rules
    and FHIR API.  Implement  CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule (CMS-9115-F).

  • Enable Prior Authorization Final rule (CMS-0057-F) 

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