Use Cases
EHR Data Migration
Convert legacy data into FHIR for migration to modern systems like Epic.
Migrate Data to EPIC
Migrate data from one EHR to Epic or any other EHR. Stage data, validate and clean the data before loading to new EHR.
AI Model Training
Standardize healthcare data for building AI/ML models.
Enable CMS Interoperability
Implement CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule (CMS-9115-F). Enable Prior Authorization Final rule (CMS-0057-F) . Enable Payer to Payer Integration
Data Interoperability
Streamline data exchange between providers, payers, and systems.
Data Conversion Services
Convert large volumes of healthcare data to FHIR using our data conversion services. Easily convert CSV, PDF, XML, JSON and flat file data to FHIR
Build Clinical Data Repository
Aggregate patient data into a single source of truth. Get data from various healthcare EHR and sources and build your clinical data repository. Supports large amount of healthcare data 100M+ Patient data including structured and unstructured data.
Implement Patient Indexing
Enable Patient matching and indexing. Clean data quality before sending or reporting
Build FHIR API Server
Enable FHIR API Server that can speed up your interoperability projects
Data and Application Integration and Consolidation
Ideal for integrating or consolidating data from multiple applications.
Data for Clinical Trials and FDA approvals
Convert your clinical trial data to FHIR and run different reports. Collect data to submit to FDA approvals
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